Vaginal Rashes and Sores Treatment in Metairie, LA

Rashes or sores appearing in or around the vagina have numerous causes. These conditions can result in a fair amount of discomfort leading patients to seek medical treatment from their gynecologists. If you notice any kind of new bump or discoloration in your genital region, Dr. Katherine Swing, at Swing Women’s Health and Wellness, can help. Contact our gynecology clinic in Metairie, LA today by calling (504) 582-9010.

Most Common Types of Vaginal Rashes

A rash in or around the vagina can range from mild to severe. Women with a vaginal rash are typically dealing with one of the following conditions:

  • Vaginitis: Vaginitis is an infection or inflammation of the vagina that can cause itching, burning, a change in vaginal discharge, and pain during sex. Specific forms of vaginitis include candidiasis (yeast infections), trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. Vaginitis can be easily treated using over-the-counter medications or a prescribed antibiotic.
  • Contact dermatitis: This is a kind of skin condition that occurs when the individual’s skin comes into contact with an irritating substance, causing a reaction like swelling or itching. It is important to determine the trigger of the skin reaction. This could include anything your vagina recently came into contact with such as a new detergent or a new brand of tampons.
  • Psoriasis: Another skin condition called psoriasis can affect any area of the body and cause rough, red patches to appear. When scratched, these patches may become infected, leading to worsening symptoms that require treatment from a professional.
  • Scabies: The biggest symptom associated with this condition is itching. Scabies are caused by a tiny insect that burrows itself into the tissue around your vagina. These mites are so small that you won’t be able to see them, but you will certainly notice the intense itchiness you begin to feel near your genitals, particularly at night time. Scabies are most often spread via skin-to-skin contact, or by using sheets or towels that are infested with these little bugs.
  • Pubic lice: This insect won’t burrow into your skin, but it will live in your pubic hair and lead to the same itching sensation as scabies.
  • Various sexually transmitted infections: Common STIs like herpes and syphilis will present with symptoms such as a rash near the vagina. These infections can also lead to the formation of bumps and sores around the genitals.

Most Common Types of Genital Sores

In addition to STIs, many women will experience lumps or sores in or around their vagina as a result of:

  • Vulvovaginitis: This condition describes an infection or more generally inflammation of the vulva and vagina. Vulvovaginitis can affect women of all ages. It is usually not serious unless the infection has progressed significantly over time. You should seek treatment soon after you notice symptoms lasting longer than 1 or 2 days.
  • Cysts: A cyst can form anywhere on the body, and is normally benign. These lumps and bumps are not typically painful, though they should be examined by Dr. Swing to rule out any risk of the cyst being cancerous. If they are painful, that usually means they are infected and you need to seek treatment right away.
  • Ingrown Hairs: Like cysts, ingrown hairs can appear anywhere on the body. Ingrown hairs occur when the hair gets trapped under the skin where it continues growing, which leads to a small bump on the skin. These are especially common in areas that have been recently shaved, waxed, or plucked. There is no reason to worry about ingrown hairs, though if you experience them frequently you may consider altering current shaving or waxing methods to be more gentle on your skin.

Schedule a Consultation in Metairie, LA

Many conditions can cause symptoms such as rashes, bumps, or sores in or around the vagina. If these problems occur, you should be seen as soon as possible. To see Dr. Swing from Swing Women’s Health and Wellness, please call our office in Metairie, LA today at 504-582-9010 to schedule an appointment!